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Stamner Park House
All projects throw up different problems; and when we were asked to visit Stamner Park House they had an issue that only a Rope Access team like ourselves could help with.
The seven chimneys at the new development at Stamner Park House are artificial and the contractors issues was how to install the chimney stack tops. Getting them into position was not the problem, a massive crane could do this without any troubles. The issue came when bolting the chimney stack tops down and removing the strops from the crane itself. This is where the Doddington Rope Access team stepped in. With one man climbing inside the steel framed chimney stack he was able to bolt up the chimney stack tops and our second team member was able to climb up the pre rigged ropes to release the cranes strops.
By the end of the day all the chimney stacks were complete. One of the stranger problems we have come across but a problem solved by Doddington Rope Access non the less!